The Six Petaled Flower


The meaning behind the six petal flower.

The Six Petal Flower or the Flower of Life is an ancient symbol that is found throughout history, across cultures and continents. This venerated pattern found in sacred geometry intertwines with science, art, math, and healing. It is considered to be a holy blueprint for life.

It symbolizes creation and wholeness; it reminds us of the unity in everything and our interconnectedness to everything.

It is said to bring symmetry to a person’s life.

Balance. Wholeness. BE-ing.

This Six petal Flower also represents the 6 offerings I provide:

  • Nurse Coaching
  • Yoga
  • Reiki
  • Meditation
  • Education
  • Connectedness


The Six Petal Flower also represents the 6 holistic states of healing that my offerings provide:

  • Peace
  • Connection
  • Nurturing/Nourishment
  • Joy/Contentment in the present moment
  • Support
  • Restoration

My intention is for you to find comfort in the hard spaces we sometimes find ourselves in and also to find ease in ordinary days.

My commitment to you is that you find peace, connection, nourishment, and support as you move forward.

Thank you for being here.
